health and fitness thing that most
needed someone in daily undergo their activities .Therefore need of guidance
and maintenance of health which includes guidance physical health , spiritual ,
and social in pregnancy occurs change in physical and mental natural nature
where the prospective mother must be healthy and have adequate nutrition before
and after pregnant , so walking successful pregnancy , mother the state of
nutrition at the time of conception to be in a good state and during pregnant
should get additional energy and nutrient substance which is balanced for
growth and development of a fetus by retaining the nutrients pregnant women
like minimal additional protein as iron , calcium , vitamin , folic acid and
energy ( ramayulis , 2009 ) .
need nutrition , if she experienced a lack of nutrition would turn to be
problematic good on the and a fetus it contains and undernourished can affect
growth and can give rise to miscarriage , abortus , a congenital defect and
heavy a fetus baby of being inferior .Pregnant women also should know how to
treated myself well and body mechanical ( attitudes of the body a good
instructed to pregnant woman because necessary to form activity daily a safe
and comfortable during pregnancy .With increasing awareness of health , now
women start want to exercising for pregnant .
B .The formulation
.How to meet the needs of nutrition for pregnant women ?
.How to keep fitness for pregnant women ?
C .The purpose
knowing the nutritional needs for balanced and the needs of the physically on
mother during the pregnancy
health and fitness
is the physical condition , mental and social perfect , not only it hadiran
mere disease , not only only it hadiran mere disease .One to meet health the
body is a balanced nutrition.
is a process organisms use food consumed normally through a process digesti,
absobsi, transportation, storage, metabolism and expenditure the substances not
used to sustain life.Growth and the normal functioning of the organs, and
produce energy.
For pregnant women to
eat foods that contain balanced nutrition is very important for the growth and development
of the fetus. .
maintain the nutritional balance in pregnant women in regulating the intake or
food menu there are things that need to be noticed during pregnancy for
1. Avoid consuming
canned food, excessive sweet foods, and foods that are not fresh
Pregnant women should eat regularly to keep the body so that the fetus in the
bladder can absorb food from his mother well
3. A diet that is
nourished with nutritious food
4. Use a variety
of foods that nourish many nutrients by buying and choosing fresh and nutritious foods
5. Reduce the foods that contain
lots of gas such as mustard greens, kool, cabbage and others
6. Avoid smoking and drinking like
alcohol and others.
Physical fitness is the
ability and ability of the body to make adjustments (adaptation) to the
liberation of the given to him (from work done daily) without causing excessive
pregnant women should know how to treat themselves well and mechanical body
(good posture) instructed to pregnant women because it is necessary to form a
safe and comfortable daily activities during pregnancy.
To get fitness during
pregnancy exercise is required because pregnancy exercise is very helpful
during the process of childbirth.
Body Attitudes to be
Considered by Pregnant Women:
A. Sit
your hands on your knees and pull your body upright. Set the mother's chin and pull the top of the head like when
the mother stood up.
B. Stand up
stance is helpful during pregnancy as the fetal weight of the fetus grows, do
not stand for long periods of time. Stand by straightening the shoulders and
raising the butt. Straight from the ear to the heel of the foot.
C. Walk
women are important not to wear high or no privileges. Also avoid the heeled
boots for easy to remove the balance.
D. Sleep
may sleep on her stomach when it is used but bend one foot and wear bolsters so
there is room for your child. Sloping position is also memorable, but do not
forget to use bolsters to support your weight. Preferably after six months of
pregnancy, avoid sleeping supine, because the uterine pressure in the main
blood vessels can cause pingsang. Sleeping with both legs higher than the body
can reduce fatigue.
E. Get up from lying
get out of bed, slide the mother's body to the edge of the bed, then bend the
knee. Lift the mother's body slowly with both hands, turn the body and slowly
lower the mother's legs. Shut up in a sitting position for a while before
standing Do every time the mother gets up from lying down.
F. Bending and lifting
bend the knee and use leg muscles to straighten back. Avoid bending that can
make the back tense, including to take something light though.The steps of
pregnancy exercise are as follows:
Sit cross-legged and erect, both arms pointing forward and rilex. Conducted as
much as possible as a daily position.
Attitude to crawl. The distance between the hands is equal to the distance
between the shoulders, the four members of the body perpendicular to the floor
and the material parallel to the floor. Do the following activities: Bow your
head, look at your lower abdomen and your waist is lifted while deflating the
abdomen and wrinkling the rectum. Then lower the waist by lifting the head
while relaxing the muscles of the abdominal wall and pelvic floor muscles. Do
this movement 8 times.
Attitude to crawl, place the head between the hands and turn to the side left /
right. Then lower the body so that the chest touches the mattress by sliding
the elbow as far as possible sideways. Hold on to the position for 1 minute,
then increase 5-10 minutes (according to the strength of pregnant women)
Lie on your side to the left, better toward the baby's back, right knee placed
in front of the left knee, better pillared. The right knee is bent in front of
the left knee (preferably pillow-mounted). The right arm is bent at the front
and the left arm is placed behind the body.
Lie on your side, both knees and both arms bent, under the head is given a
pillow and under the stomach was given a pillow, so that the stomach does not
hang. Close your eyes, calm and manage your breathing regularly and
Lie on your back, both knees held by
both hands and relax. Perform the following activities: open the mouth to
breath enough in maximum as possible, then the mouth closed and straining like
a bowel movement. Movement down and forward. After not being able to withstand weariness,
return to the starting position, repeat this exercise 3-4 times at 2-minute
and fitness conclusion is crucial for a burden .Health and fitness especially
for pregnant women is very important to keep power hold mother body itself and
fetal born healthy .
Redaksi,tim.2009.Olahraga Bagi Ibu Hamil dan
Menyusui. Yogyakarta : Banyu media
Huliana, Mellyna. (2006). Panduan
Menjalani Kehamilan Sehat. Puspa Swara. Jakarta.
Kushartanti.( 2004). Senam Hamil.
Lintang Pustaka. Yogyakarta.
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